The Librarian's Corner



Halfway through the school year, our readers here at Banta are going strong! We have recently started a lot of exciting things. We have our monthly reading challenge and Accelerated Reading class competition for our upper grades, and we just started a new Reading Challenge with the Stockton Ports. Lots of prizes and incentives to keep each student reading, so be sure to encourage them to read every day.

In January, we had Splash from the Stockton Ports visit us and had our annual snowball fight in the library. Students of all ages had fun, and even the staff had fun with them. We also read some playful books: “The Yawns Are Coming” and “Don’t Eat Bees” were a few favorites. Upper grades listened to “The One Thing I’d Save and got to discuss what item they would save if all else were lost. A very thought-provoking discussion followed.

February will bring lots of fun, and I hope lots of laughs. We recently got a Donors Choose project funded that is bringing marble runs, magnetic building tiles, and legos to the library so kids will get to play, explore, and learn to tie imaginative creations with the stories they hear.

The highlight of the month will be an Alice in Wonderland tea party! February 3-7, during their library visit, kids will get to try surprise desserts and a variety of teas and enjoy some fun crafts and games. Parents are welcome to send tea party-themed snacks (no nuts) to their students' classes (please speak with the teacher to make arrangements). I also encourage all kids to dress up for this themed party.

-Mrs. Eichele